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中文服務項目, 華人中文醫生華語醫生國語中文西醫網上醫生看病看醫生看診醫療健康諮詢網站網頁醫療旅遊醫學心理測驗心理治療兩性關係婦女男性病皮膚病免費看診免費醫療諮詢網站互連網上醫生醫療檢驗出國旅遊生病看醫生看診電話諮詢看診看病國外南非開普敦旅館看診病中文服務項目, 華人中文醫生華語醫生國語中文西醫網上醫生看病看醫生看診醫療諮詢網站網頁醫療旅遊醫學心理測驗心理治療兩性關係婦女男性病皮膚病免費看診免費醫療諮詢網站互連網上醫生醫療檢驗出國旅遊生病看醫生看診電話諮詢看診看病國外南非開普敦旅館看診病中文服務項目, 華人中文醫生華語醫生國語中文西醫網上醫生看病看醫生看診醫療諮詢網站網頁醫療旅遊醫學心理測驗心理治療兩性關係婦女男性病皮膚病免費看診免費醫療諮詢網站互連網上醫生醫療檢驗出國旅遊生病看醫生看診電話諮詢看診看病國外南非開普敦旅館看診病 。(在使用之前 請您仔細閱讀我們 的服務條款內容.您於登入使用我們的網站時,視同您接受我們的服務條款.) 歡迎來到百瑞聽診您的健康殿堂感受與專業醫師為您貼身定製醫療諮詢的便捷服務,無論您身在何方,隨時與您相左右, 任您挑選方法, 尊享與您專屬的醫師諮詢, 現在就訂,享受免費諮詢,國際醫療水準,您的健康有保障,環球旅遊,與我們的國際團隊,諮詢旅行醫學,人生多彩多姿 無需暫停,您的健康隨時都有保障,美好健康的生活從這裡開始,百瑞聽診是專門為華人設計的。提供給您個人醫療健康諮詢的網路平台,無論您身在何方,都可以與您專屬的醫生進行為您貼身定製,一對一的專業醫療健康諮詢. 電話諮詢(座機或手機)手機平板Skype視頻諮詢或 Google Hangout 視頻諮詢 網上電腦諮詢(需要Chrome 瀏覽器)您可以預約與專業醫師醫療諮詢。請參考我們的預約指南。如使用電話諮詢您將需要預約時將您的電話號碼(包括國碼)輸入(請檢查有效國家/地區列表)。如果號碼不正確,醫師會找不到您而無法諮詢。請參考服務條款.如選手機平板Skype視頻諮詢或 Google Hangout 視頻諮詢.您需要安裝Skype或Google Hangout,具體取決於首選哪種方法(請參閱詳細說明)。 費用:醫療諮詢$ 40新加坡幣(SGD)。行政費用(處方,檢驗單,轉診信或醫療報告)$ 20新幣(SGD)。 *費用是以新加坡幣費用為主。取決於付款當天匯率. 我們提供的服務範例. 1.  旅行醫療諮詢 在異國他方去夢寐以求的假期?在您出發之前,請與我們的醫生諮詢來確保您的假期不會被意外的健康問題所影響。 已經旅途上但有健康問題,不知道該怎麼辦?請與我們的醫生諮詢得到專業的幫助。 2.  一般疫苗接種諮詢 您知道嗎,即使是大人也需要疫苗和補助針來防治疾病?不知道你是否有所有推薦的鏡頭來保護你免受感染病?與我們的醫生諮詢,計劃您的疫苗接種計劃。還有新開發的疫苗可防止癌症,如HPV疫苗。與我們的醫生諮詢看看你能如何受益。 3.  飲食/運動諮詢 嘗試減肥/增加肌肉/吃得更健康,但不知道從哪裡開始?與我們的醫生交流專業計劃。 4.  醫療報告解讀 有驗血結果和其他醫療報告,但不知道這是什麼意思?不知道如何使用家裡的藥物?和我們的醫生詳細討論。 5.  一般醫療諮詢 就像平長看醫生,但更方便。 我們的醫生都有豐富的資格和經驗來帶給您最優質的醫療。他們都是擁有南非醫師職照的專業醫師。此外,還有其他國家的醫師執照,如在台灣醫師執照,英國和美國醫療執照。我們所有的醫師也是擁有美國心臟協會高級生命支持的認證,所以您可以放心,您的健康有保障。 我們可以為您提供醫療諮詢,診斷和治療計劃。如果您諮詢後,醫生同意該病情有需要,他/她也會開處方,通過電子郵件發送。您可以到最近的藥房買藥。如果您的諮詢醫生同意需要進一步的檢驗,我們會開檢驗單給您,到最近的實驗室做檢驗。等結果出來,我們會通知您預約復診與醫師諮詢。在藥房或實驗室支付的藥物和測試費用是自費的。請注意,處方和檢驗單僅在南非可用。如果您是居住在南非以外,我們仍然可以推薦您可以在藥房購買的藥物和您可能需要的血液檢查類型,但目前我們將無法在南非境外提供處方和實驗室轉診的服務。 你知道大多數去看家庭醫生的患者不需要處方藥,許多病情可以用非處方藥安全有效地治療嗎?如果您有疑問,請與我們的醫生諮詢。 在開普敦的會員還可以享受醫生到府看診的服務。請點擊此處了解有關信息。 6. 成人健康 有懷孕,避孕相關的問題嗎?兩性健康相關問題?與您尊屬的醫師諮詢。  7.心理健康 睡眠品質好嗎?有抑鬱症或焦慮症狀?請和我們的醫生諮詢。  我們無法諮詢:1.緊急情況:請立即離開網站和撥打911(南非手機)或其他當地緊急醫療服務2.中藥 常見問題 如何與醫生諮詢?有3種方法: 1.您可以預約在南非手機/座機上電話諮詢。對於其他國家,請參閱以下列表:加拿大,中國,關島,香港特別行政區,波多黎各,新加坡,南非,泰國和美國的固定電話和手機 只有座機: 安道爾,阿根廷,澳大利亞,奧地利,比利時,巴西,文萊,保加利亞,智利,哥倫比亞(不包括偏遠地區--LEX),哥斯達黎加,克羅地亞,捷克共和國,丹麥,愛沙尼亞,芬蘭,法國,德國,希臘,瓜德羅普,匈牙利,冰島,印度尼西亞(僅雅加達)愛爾蘭共和國,以色列,意大利,日本,韓國,拉脫維亞,立陶宛,盧森堡,馬來西亞,馬耳他,墨西哥,摩洛哥,荷蘭,紐西蘭,挪威,巴拿馬,巴拉圭,秘魯,波蘭,葡萄牙,羅馬尼亞,俄羅斯,斯洛伐克,斯洛文尼亞,西班牙,瑞典,瑞士,台灣,土耳其,英國和委內瑞拉。Both landlines and mobiles in Canada, China, Guam, Hong Kong SAR, Puerto Rico, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand and United States Only landlines in Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia (excluding rural areas - LEX), Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia (Jakarta only), Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Venezuela.2.  如果您已安裝Skype,我們可以視頻諮詢。請在預約時提供您的Skype用戶名。3. 電腦Chrome瀏覽器視頻諮詢。預訂後,我們會通過電子郵件向您發送鏈結,以便在Chrome瀏覽器中啟動視頻諮詢。對於選項2和3,您將需要網絡攝影機,麥克風,音響/耳機,和上網連接。選項2需要有Skype  帳戶。對於平板電腦和智能手機,選項3視頻諮詢的電子郵件請求將會打開下載Google Hangout的請求。必須將Google Hangout安裝好才能開始視頻。 貼心叮嚀: 請在您預約開始之前5到10分鐘準備好您的設備才不會耽誤了您寶貴的諮詢時間。如果遲到,醫生只能在剰下的時間聽診,無法延長或改時間。 如果您有任何喜愛的​​溝通App,例如LINE,Wechat,Whatsapp,請通過電子郵件讓我們知到:。請同時訂閱我們的郵件,一有新的產品會盡快通知您。我可以從醫療保險索賠嗎?百瑞聽診是一家正式的醫療機構,目前所有服務均為自費。雖然我們目前沒有直接和其他醫療保險合作,我們建議您可以使用百瑞聽診醫療收據和您的保險直接溝通。醫生可以開抗生素嗎?抗生素使用受到限制,因為不適當使用可能會造成患者身體的細菌產生抗藥性。細菌產生抗藥性是一個嚴重的問題,會讓普通感染便得無法治療。百瑞聽診所有的醫生都經過專業培訓,適當使用抗生素。如果我們的醫生覺得抗生素在您的情況下是有必要的,會開處方或建議您進一步的檢驗或轉診。,請在諮詢結束時選擇適合的時間預約復診。目前不能延長諮詢,因為時間是預訂的,可能還有另一個人等待和醫生諮詢。您的醫生可以自行決定在條件允許的情況下延長時間,請直接和醫生諮詢時溝通。可以快遞我的藥物給我嗎?我們目前不提供這項服務。請務必訂閱我們的郵件,以便了解最新的動態。我們可以建議您在附近的藥房可以購買的藥物或向您發送處方(參見費用)我不在南非也可以享受這種服務嗎?當然可以。百瑞聽診是專門為全球的華人設計的服務。 無論您在何方, 都可以與醫生諮詢。請確認您在預訂約時提供手機號碼/座機或Skype帳戶,以便與您聯繫。請明確提供國家/地區碼,並參考以下適用的國家:加拿大,中國,關島,香港特別行政區,波多黎各,新加坡,南非,泰國和美國的固定電話和手機只有安道爾,阿根廷,澳大利亞,奧地利,比利時,巴西,文萊,保加利亞,智利,哥倫比亞(不包括農村地區--LEX),哥斯達黎加,克羅地亞,捷克共和國,丹麥,愛沙尼亞,芬蘭,法國,德國,希臘,瓜德羅普,匈牙利,冰島,印度尼西亞(僅雅加達)愛爾蘭共和國以色列意大利日本韓國拉脫維亞立陶宛盧森堡馬來西亞馬耳他墨西哥摩洛哥荷蘭新西蘭挪威巴拿馬巴拉圭秘魯,波蘭,葡萄牙,羅馬尼亞,俄羅斯,斯洛伐克,斯洛文尼亞,西班牙,瑞典,瑞士,台灣,土耳其,英國和委內瑞拉。有哪些語言可用?英文和中文。請在我們網站的中文部分預約。在諮詢之前,我可以向醫生發送照片/文件/醫療報告嗎?可以的!請發郵件給我們的醫生。請您在電子郵件中包含您的登錄電子郵件,姓名並在諮詢時間,以便我們擁有所有信息來協助您。照片應該在良好的採光下,必須很好地聚焦,並且包括另一個常見的物體做比較(例如尺,硬幣,手指)。您還可以掃描您的醫療報告/測試結果,以電子郵件發送給我們。您的醫療資料將與HIPPA安全地存儲(見下文)。我的資料是否安全?您的信息儲存是符合HIPPA的最高級別的安全性存儲(HIPAA是美國的1996年健康保險資料責任法案,是現在全世界提供數據隱私和安​​全條款以保護醫療信息最高層的保護)。我可以幫別人預聽診嗎?對於18歲以下的青少年,您需要是監護人並提出身分證明且一直在場,並同意青少年接受聽診。 對於18歲以上的成人,我們將使用電子郵件作為帳戶存儲醫療信息,因此必須擁有自己的帳戶保護隱私。我可以開多個帳戶嗎?為了提供您為您量身定制的最佳服務,我們建議只使用一個帳戶,以便我們擁有您的完整醫療史。 您可以選擇僅提供有關您的病情的部分信息,但這可能會對您提供的醫療建議的適當性和有效性產生負面影響因為 我們完全仰賴您在諮詢和電子郵件中提供的醫療信息。詳細的服務條款請點擊這裡。 我們建議您在使用平台之前熟讀我們的詳細服務條款。要如何使用 Chrome 瀏覽器視頻諮詢?預訂完成後,我們會通過電子郵件向您發送鏈結,以便在Chrome瀏覽器中啟動視頻諮詢。對於平板電腦和智能手機,視頻諮詢的電子郵件邀請函將會打開下載 Google Hangouts 的請求。必須將 Google Hangouts 安裝好才能開始視頻。您可以再諮詢之前試用邀請函的鏈結進入或退出視頻諮詢以熟悉視頻諮詢平台。醫生會在預約的時間加入視頻諮詢。 您的鏈結只能一次使用,諮詢結束後就自動無效。 如您有再預約下一次的聽診,請使用最新的邀請函鏈結。您將需要網絡攝影機,麥克風,音響/耳機,和上網連接。貼心叮嚀: 請在您預約開始之前5到10分鐘準備好您的設備才不會耽誤了您寶貴的諮詢時間。如果遲到,醫生只能在剰下的時間聽診,無法延長或改時間。電話諮詢有效國家/地區列表您可以預約在南非手機/座機上電話諮詢。對於其他國家,請參閱以下列表:加拿大,中國,關島,香港特別行政區,波多黎各,新加坡,南非,泰國和美國的固定電話和手機只有座機: 安道爾,阿根廷,澳大利亞,奧地利,比利時,巴西,文萊,保加利亞,智利,哥倫比亞(不包括偏遠地區--LEX),哥斯達黎加,克羅地亞,捷克共和國,丹麥,愛沙尼亞,芬蘭,法國,德國,希臘,瓜德羅普,匈牙利,冰島,印度尼西亞(僅雅加達)愛爾蘭共和國,以色列,意大利,日本,韓國,拉脫維亞,立陶宛,盧森堡,馬來西亞,馬耳他,墨西哥,摩洛哥,荷蘭,紐西蘭,挪威,巴拿馬,巴拉圭,秘魯,波蘭,葡萄牙,羅馬尼亞,俄羅斯,斯洛伐克,斯洛文尼亞,西班牙,瑞典,瑞士,台灣,土耳其,英國和委內瑞拉。可以更改或取消預約嗎?可以的。 請到 Book 網頁登入您的帳戶。登入後點右上角您的大名 (“Hello 您的大名”) 開啟您的帳戶。 點 “Your Info”更改您的連絡細節。 點 “Appointments”更改您的預約。點想要更改的預約開啟, 預約右下角有兩個圖飾,像是時鐘的可以更改您的預約時間。垃圾桶形的用來取消預約。您也可以跟我們連係更改您的預約 (在預訂一直到6小時之前都可更改或取消預約。更改您的預約時間免費。在預約開始時間前24小時取消取消費用為10新幣。餘額會退還給您。在預約開始時間之前的24小時內取消,很抱歉無法退款。百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診百瑞聽診Centurymedica.. Online medical consultation. 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MEDICAL ADVICE, PROFESSIONAL DOCTORS, HAVE AN ONLINE Consultation. Qualified and Accredited doctors, book and online onsultation, wherever you are. Your personal information will remain secure and onfidential, YOU ARE IN GOOD HANDS. CONVENIENT AND Personalized service, your own private physician, book anytime anywhere. RELAX AND BE WELL, your medical sanctuary, peace of mind. Adventure to dream destinations, travel medical consultation, our international team on tandbyRestoration & erjuventation, with your private physician, journey to a healthy lifestyle. RECEIVE A FREE CONSULT,BOOK ONLINE, TO ENJOY THIS.1.             Sign up and book and appointment: Book online to choose a time and method of consultation that suits you. 2.     Talk to your own private doctor: our doctors will contact you through your preferred method. 3.          Be well: received medical advice, prescriptions, lab referrals and reports as required. DOCPRIVÉ Our doctors .Our doctors are registered, qualified Our doctors are registered, qualified medical professionals with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. Additionally, some doctors may also have UK and US medical registration, as well as American Heart Association Advance Life Support certification.  Our international team of doctors are professional General Practitioners who are trained to provide high quality healthcare. Book now to enjoy the convenience of bespoke medical consultation online wherever you are.Sign up for a free trial medical consultation now. Explore our brands. DocPrivé: it’s like having your own private doctor. Professional medical advice wherever you are phone Consult ( landline or mobile). Skype Consult. Web-browser Consult ( need Chrome). Book and chat with your own private doctor. Check our bookings video guide on how to book. You will need a valid mobile /landline number (please check list of valid countries). You will also need to have Skype installed or Chrome web browser, depending on which method is preferred (see detailed instructions). Clickable link Book and chat with your own private doctor. Check our bookings video guide on how to book. For Skype and web-browser consult, you will need working webcam, microphone, internet connection and data. Cost: R289*ZAR ($40 SGD) for consult. $20 SGD) for administrative charges of prescription, referral letter and medical report. *cost will depend on the prevailing exchange rate (refer to the currentcy convertor for guidance), your card will be charged in the currency of your bank account for the equivalent Singapore Dollars Value and the cost is based on the Singapore dollar value quoted. Services we offer. 1.Travel Health Advice ;Going to your dream holiday in an exotic location? Before your departure, have a chat with our doctors to find out on what you can prepare beforehand to ensure that your holiday is not ruined by unforeseen health concerns. There are many things you can do to make your holiday safe and hassle-free. Already travelling but has health concerns and not sure what to do? Chat with us for professional assistance. General Vaccination advice ;Did you know that even adults need vaccines and boosters to protect against diseases? Not sure if you had all the recommended shots to protect you from nasty bugs? Have a chat with our doctors to plan for your vaccination schedule. There are also new vaccine options such as HPV vaccine. Chat with your doctor to see how you can benefit. 2.Dietary/exercise advice ;Trying to lose weight /gain muscle/eat healthier but not sure where to start? Chat with our doctors for a professional plan. 3.Medical report interpretation :Have medical test results and reports but not sure what it means? Need a second opinion on your results? Not sure how to use the medication around the house? Chat with our doctor to have a detailed discussion. 4.Your very own private doctor consultation:It’s like seeing your regular doctor, but more convenient. Our doctors are qualified and experienced in providing an excellent standard of care. They are all certified independent medical practitioners with the Health Professions Council of South Africa. Some of them may also have additional qualifications and licenses to practice in other countries such as registration with the UK medical council (GMC) and US medical license. All our doctors are also certified providers of American Heart Association’s Advanced Life Support so you can rest assured that you are in good hands. We can provide you with medical advice, diagnosis and treatment plan. If after your consultation the doctor agrees that the condition warrants, he/she will also prescribe medication. We can also email you the prescription which you can take to the nearest pharmacy to be fulfilled. If your consulting doctor agrees that blood tests are required, we will refer you to the nearest laboratory and once the results are ready, have a follow up consultation to discuss the plan forward. You will have to pay for the medication and the tests at the pharmacy or the laboratory. Please note that prescription and laboratory testing referrals are only available in South Africa. Should you reside outside of South Africa, we can still recommend the medication you can purchase at the pharmacy and the type of blood tests that you may require but at this moment we will not be able to provide a prescription and laboratory referral outside of South Africa. Did you know that most patients who go to a GP will not require prescription medication and that many conditions can be safely and effectively treated with non-prescription medication? If you are in doubt whether, why not chat with one of our doctors. There is also the option of having a house-call for those lucky enough to be living in Cape Town at a discounted price after your tele-consult. Click here to find out more about this option.  6Reproductive Health Questions ;Trying to fall pregnant? Have contraceptive related questions? Sexual health related questions? Have a confidential chat with your own private doctor. 7.Psychological wellness; Not sleeping well? Symptoms of depression or anxiety? Chat with our doctor for advice.  What we are unable to consult for:8.Emergencies : PLEASE LEAVE THE WEBSITE IMMEDIATELY AND DIAL 911 ( SOUTH AFRICA MOBILE) OR OTHER ALTERNATE EMERGENCY SERVICES  1.            Chinese traditional medicine ;FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) How can I chat with the doctor? There are 3 methods: 1. You can book an appointment for a telephone consult on your South African mobile/landline. For other countries please see the list below:  Both landlines and mobiles in Canada, China, Guam, Hong Kong SAR, Puerto Rico, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand and United States Only landlines in Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia (excluding rural areas - LEX), Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia (Jakarta only), Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Venezuela. 2.        Alternatively, if you have Skype installed we can videoconference you. Please provide your Skype user name when you book the appointment. 3.               After booking, we can also email you a link to start a video conference in your Chrome web-browser for your video consult if preferred. For options 2 and 3 you will need a working webcam, microphone, speakers/earphones, internet connection and bandwidth and can be on your desktop computer or laptop computer. For tablets and smartphones, the email request for videoconferencing will open up a request to download Google Hangout. You will have to install Google Hangout to your device to start the videoconference should you prefer to not use Skype. Please log into the videoconference session at the start time of your booked appointment. Should you have any other preferred channels of communication e.g. LINE, Wechat, Whatsapp, please email us to let us know : . Please also subscribe to our mailing list to keep abreast of the newest developments. Can I claim from medical aid/insurance? Century Medica is a registered healthcare provider and all the services are on a self-pay basis. While we do not work with any medical aid at this moment in direct payment, receipts from Century Medica are valid healthcare receipts. Please check with your medical aid/insurance regarding reimbursement.  Can you prescribe antibiotics? Antibiotic use is regulated as overuse can contribute to resistance of bacteria in the person who has consumed the antibiotic inappropriately. Antibiotic resistance is a serious problem as there will be very few treatment options that can be used to treat infection in that particular individual. At Century Medica, all our doctors are professionally trained in the appropriate use of antibiotics, which is why we will not put you at risk by prescribing antibiotics to you without having the opportunity of a clinical examination. Should our doctors feel that antibiotic is warranted in your case, we can prescribe or will refer you to appropriate providers if you require further physical workup. What kind of medication can you not prescribe? 1. Any medicines classed as controlled or restricted drugs/substances under the MEDICINES AND RELATED SUBSTANCES ACT 101 OF 1965 and all its’ amendments; 2. Unlicensed medications; 3. Sedatives or sleeping tablets; 4. Strong analgesics; 5. Medications that need to be initiated by a hospital specialist. We are, however, able to refer you to see a relevant specialist with a medical referral (we charge for referral letters, see our Costs).  What if my consultation lasts longer than 10 minutes? In our experience, 10 minutes is quite sufficient for most people. Should you require a longer chat, no problem, let us know towards the end of your session to book a follow up session. Booking instructions and payment will be emailed to you for confirmation and we will call you back at the earliest available opportunity. Unfortunately in-session extensions will not be possible as the appointments are pre-booked and there may be another person waiting to chat with the doctor. Your doctor may, at his/her sole discretion, decide to extend your session when conditions permit as a courtesy. Can you send my medication to me? No. At this moment, we do not offer this service. Be sure to subscribe to our mailing list so that we can keep you updated of new developments. We can, however, advise you on the medication you can purchase at pharmacies nearby or send a prescription to you (see cost). Is this service available even when I am outside of South Africa? Yes! You can request for a call back and chat with our doctors worldwide. Please make sure that you provide a mobile number/ landline or Skype account when booking so that we can connect with you better. We will also be able to call you on your mobile if the number is based in the following countries: Both landlines and mobiles in Canada, China, Guam, Hong Kong SAR, Puerto Rico, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand and United States. Only landlines in Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia (excluding rural areas - LEX), Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia (Jakarta only), Republic of Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, United Kingdom, and Venezuela.  Which languages are available?English and Mandarin. For Mandarin service, please book in the Mandarin section of our website. Can I send photos/files/medical reports to the doctor before the chat? Yes! Please email our doctor directly at: Make sure that you include in the email your login email, name and consult time before your session so that we have all the information to assist you with.  Photographs should be taken in good light, must be well focused and preferably with another item next to the object for scale (e.g. ruler, coin, finger, common object of a fixed size). You can also scan your medical reports/test results to email to us. Your medical information will be stored securely compliant with HIPPA( see below). Is my information secure? Yes! Your information is stored with the highest level of security that is HIPPA compliant (HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) is United States legislation that provides data privacy and security provisions for safeguarding medical information). Can I book a session for someone else? Yes! For children under the age of 18, you will have to be present the whole time. For persons over the age of 18, they will have to have their own account for privacy and confidentiality as we store medical information using the email as the identifier.  Can I open multiple accounts? To provide you with the best service that is tailor-made for you, it is better to use only one account so that we have your complete history. You may choose to provide only partial information regarding your condition but this can have a negative impact on the appropriateness and validity of the medical advice you are provided with. We rely solely on the information you provide during the consultation and via email. The responsibility to provide accurate information and the resulting advice rests with you. For detailed terms and conditions please click here. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our detailed T & C before using the platform.




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